Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sears and Kmart and Columbus of Yesteryear

This morning as I read the paper about how Sears and Kmart plan to close 120 of its stores, I thought it would be interesting to go back and time and take a look at our old Sears, which is already gone, and our Kmarts, which will probably be gone soon.

Now, I tried to do a before and after photo shoot of how Macon Road looked back in October of 1984 (that's when the photo is dated but could be inaccurate) compared to December 27, 2011. After taking "After" photos and comparing them to the "Before" photo, I realized that the photo wasn't taken from the I-185 bridge over Macon Road, because the bridge wasn't even there! It must have been taken from the roof of possible the Mexican restaurant that stands there now, or maybe a cherry picker. Who knows.

Macon Road looking West - October 1984?

Macon Road looking West on the East side of I-185  - December 27, 2011

Now as you can see, it's hard to recreate the shot exactly as it was since there is a large bridge that now bisects the photo, but I took a photo on the East side of the bridge looking West, and right after crossing the West side. 

Even though 30 years have almost passed, there are still lots of identifying landmarks. McDonalds's golden arches still proudly rise above Macon Road, even though it's been torn down and rebuilt. Ironic that this is the second time it's been torn down and rebuilt. Before the newest McDonalds, a 1980s brown McDonalds stood at that location. It was always uninviting and after looking at this photo, I wish they had never torn down the original 1950s building, which looks almost identical to the oldest operating McDonalds, built in 1953. 

I'm not sure what the building was in the Before photo, but the building that housed the Ace Tire and Auto Center is still there, though it looks like it has been closed for a while. I never remember a Shoneys being there, even back when I was a little kid. I only remember the Captain D's being there, although it was painted monochrome blue all over, instead of the multi-color concoction that it is now. 

Even though the corporate logo has changed, the Kmart, and that loud red Kmart sign is still there, but now proudly displays a "BIG K" instead of just a regular one. Behind the Kmart sign, that same building that used to be a CB&T branch bank is still there, though it has long been closed. On the right of the photo, a heavily remodeled Cross Country Plaza is still there, but long gone is the almost forgotten Service Merchandise. 

Macon Road Looking West on the West side of I-185 - December 27, 2011

The only major difference between now and yesteryear is the Sears building and Columbus Square Mall that is now gone, and the Columbus Public Library and Muscogee County School District buildings that now stand in their place. 

I do remember the old Columbus Square Mall. I used to love going to the Corn Dog 7 over there, and shopping at the old Sears. Heck, even our current refrigerator that we have now came from the old Sears back in 1996. 

Columbus Square Mall Interior 1960s

Columbus Square Mall and Sears 1980s

Columbus Square Mall Exterior and Interior 1990s

The Sears logo is prominently displayed in the background.

These pictures are from Mike Dudley and show how almost everything, if not everything, was closed down inside the mall during the late 1990s with Sears being the only anchor store left open. I remember one of the last few times I went to the mall to buy a Jacuzzi tub at one of the hot tub stores, and also getting a corn dog from Corn Dog 7, which was about the only food venue left. That had to be no later than 1996 or 1997.

Digging around online, I found some old layout maps of Columbus Square Mall. 

Columbus Square Mall - 1965

Columbus Square Mall - 1975

Now of course, Sears no longer exists on this side of town, and is now located in Columbus Park Crossing. However, these are pictures of the Columbus Public Library and Muscogee County School District. 

Present Day Site of Columbus Square Mall 

Present Day Site of Sears (in-between the library and School District building)

Muscogee County School District Building - December 27, 2011

Expected Outcome Of Columbus Consolidated Government Center - Coming Soon

When this entire area is finished, it should look something like the rendered drawing. The Natatorium will house the large swimming pool that will be open to the public, and that parking lot looks like it will have room for a large Mercedes and pony. Hopefully the pony won't be put up wet since it's close to a swimming pool and sauna, mind you. And I don't know what is going to go on in the City Services Building - maybe that will be a large building where the mayor and city council compete athletically to decide who wins on city issues. *rolls eyes*

Macon Road looking East on West side of I-185 - December 27, 2011

Kmart on Macon Road - December 27, 2011

Kmart on Airport Thruway - December 27, 2011

Attention Kmart shoppers. Blue light special - aisle 13. Yeah, from the looks of these photos, they're not gonna be having too many more blue light specials. Who would want to shop there? The one on Macon Road has that lovely depressing brown exterior facade, and the one on Airport Thruway looks like a warehouse with "Big K" sign on it. 

The Kmart store on Airport Thruway was basically the store I grew up at, as my mom purchased almost everything from there. I've only been in there probably less than 10 times in the past 10 years, and it's always depressing. The electronics department has been out of stock of CDs since 2001, and one time I went in there to purchase a stapler, and they were out. Of staplers. Who doesn't restock staplers!? 

I won't be sorry to see the Kmarts go if they do indeed go under. They did it themselves. 

And can someone please put a damn dome on top of that library? 

[Sources] Photos courtesy of Mike Dudley and 

"Going Going Gone." Weird Georgia. Web. 27 Dec. 2011. <http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/georgia/page3.html>,
"September 2009." MALL HALL OF FAME. Web. 27 Dec. 2011. <http://mall-hall-of-fame.blogspot.com/2009_09_01_archive.html>.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Paramount Turns 100!

In honor  of Paramount's 100th Anniversary, they released their new logo today.  Hard to believe that an entertainment company is turning 100. Have films really been around that long? Seems like only a few years ago I saw all those Paramount 75th anniversary logos, and the 90th anniversary logos all over those VHS tapes that I used to watch so much.

Yes, Virgina, we are all getting older.

Here is a video of Paramount's logo history.

What is going to happen next that is going to make us do a double take and think "OMG has it really been that long? It seems like just a few years ago..."