Saturday, June 11, 2011

Nunsense and Riparian Entertainments.

Tonight I had the fabulous entertainment of our local CSU thespian's production of Nunsense.

I was extremely excited to see this show, because I have been wanting to see this show ever since Sally Struthers brought it to town a few years ago. What made it even more alluring was the fact that I knew nothing about Nunsense, except that it was a long running off-broadway comedy.

The first act of the show was absolutely amazing. There were so many pop culture references and references to Carol Channing (we hate her), Barbra Streisand (Second Hand Rose), Shirley MacLaine, Katharine Hepburn, and many other famous women icons.

Most of the main actresses were great except for one. She needs to just not be there. Maybe she was having an off day, but if she wasn't, I don't know how she made it into musical theater. It was worse than a high school productions of RENT.

I especially liked one of the last scenes in Act 1 where Sister Superior or whatever her name is sniffs a bottle of Rush (poppers), and proceeds to act high and horny at the same time. She wallows on the floor falling out and getting the holy ghost like she's some black woman praying so hard to Jesus that her wig falls off. AND DON'T YOU DENY THAT THAT HAPPENS.

The second part of Act II really needs to go away. My ass was falling asleep. I just thank God it didn't start snoring.

By the way, TK did an amazing job with the lights, and my best friend, besides Donna Karan, did an excellent job as musical director and at the keyboard.

The most fun that was had was in the later part of the evening. I met Mr. Brad at Fountain City Coffee for entertainments of the riparian variety. We chatted, laughed, and cried for 2 1/2 hours. I love Mr. Brad and I wish I got to see more of him. Sigh.

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